Pa Scotland Political Staff

Douglas Ross has called a snap press conference in Edinburgh (Andrew Milligan/PA)

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross plans to stand at General Election

Mr Ross had previously said he would not seek to return to Westminster.
6 Jun 2024
First Minister John Swinney has appointed Kate Forbes as his deputy (Jane Barlow/PA)

Swinney appoints largely unchanged Cabinet but Forbes returns as his deputy

The former Scottish finance secretary has become the youngest ever Deputy First Minister.
8 May 2024
First Minister Humza Yousaf said during the debate that he is proud of his Government’s record (Jane Barlow/PA)

Labour push to unseat Scottish Government fails

MSPs voted by 70 votes to 58 to reject a motion of no confidence.
1 May 2024
Contenders including Kate Forbes and John Swinney are jockeying for position in the race to replace Humza Yousaf as first minister (PA)

Forbes and Swinney emerge as frontrunners as Government faces confidence vote

Scottish Labour will press ahead with a vote of no confidence in Humza Yousaf’s Government.
30 Apr 2024
As the SNP begins its hunt for a new leader, MSPs at Holyrood are preparing to vote in a motion of no confidence against the Scottish Government (Jane Barlow/PA)

Holyrood confirms vote of no confidence in Scottish Government on Wednesday

The move comes a day after Humza Yousaf announced his resignation as First Minister.
30 Apr 2024
Humza Yousaf said it should never have happened at all (Andrew Milligan/PA)

Omitting ASN children from school photo was shameful, Humza Yousaf says

The First Minister said the situation was ‘not acceptable, not right’.
29 Mar 2024
Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar addressed his party’s conference on Friday (Andrew Milligan/PA)

Five more years of Tory Government would be ‘unbearable nightmare’ – Sarwar

The Scottish Labour leader was speaking as he rallied the party ahead of a general election expected later this year.
16 Feb 2024
Neil Gray has been confirmed as the Scottish Government’s new Health Secretary (Andrew Milligan/PA)

Neil Gray appointed new Health Secretary after Michael Matheson quits

The former wellbeing economy, fair work and energy secretary has taken over the key role in the Scottish Government.
8 Feb 2024
Nicola Sturgeon addressed journalists at Holyrood on Tuesday (Andrew Milligan/PA)

Sturgeon ‘has nothing to hide’ as 14,000 messages to be handed to Covid inquiry

Press reports indicated the former first minister’s messages had been deleted.
31 Oct 2023
Nicola Sturgeon said she had confidence in the election process (Jane Barlow/PA)

Frontrunners and Sturgeon remain confident of leadership election process

The First Minister, asked if she should stay on for longer to restart the process to succeed her, joked ‘God no’.
20 Mar 2023
Scottish Deputy First Minister John Swinney announced tax rises to fund a £1 billion boost to NHS funding (PA)

Tax to increase in Scotland and IndyRef2 fund scrapped under budget plans

Deputy First Minister John Swinney outlined the Scottish Government’s spending plans for 2023-24 on Thursday.
15 Dec 2022
Nicola Sturgeon said ‘democracy is at stake’ after the Supreme Court ruled against her Government’s plans to hold a second independence referendum in October 2023 (Jane Barlow/PA)

Sturgeon: Democracy at stake after Supreme Court rules against indyref2 plan

The Scottish First Minister now plans to use the next general election to seek to establish majority support for independence.
23 Nov 2022
Nicola Sturgeon urged the new Tory leader to rule out austerity and call a new election (Andrew Milligan/PA)

Sturgeon message to Sunak: Call an election and don’t impose more austerity

The First Minister said she would try to foster a good working relationship with Rishi Sunak.
24 Oct 2022
Former chancellor Rishi Sunak has become Tory leader (Victoria Jones/PA)

Scottish Tories call for unity as Sunak set to become PM

As Rishi Sunak was named leader, calls for an election increased.
24 Oct 2022
Liz Truss has been left fighting for her job (Daniel Leal/PA)

Sign of ‘badly broken UK politics’ that Truss has not resigned, says Sturgeon

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced the scrapping of most of the Prime Minister’s financial policies on Monday.
17 Oct 2022
The Bill will be expedited and will likely be passed on Thursday (Andy Buchanan/PA)

Rent freeze Bill passes first stage at Holyrood

MSPs voted to back the general principles of the Bill by 88 votes to 29 on Tuesday.
4 Oct 2022
Nicola Sturgeon was speaking during a visit to a dairy near Stirling (Jane Barlow/PA)

Nicola Sturgeon: Mini-budget is disaster it would be wrong to follow

The Scottish First Minister said plans to cut taxes were ‘morally repugnant, fiscally damaging and reckless’.
26 Sept 2022
The SNP are ‘Scotland’s dominant political force’ Nicola Sturgeon insisted. (Jane Barlow/PA)

Sturgeon hails ‘resounding victory’ for SNP in Scotland’s council elections

Her comments came after the SNP returned the highest number of councillors.
6 May 2022
The SNP returned the highest number of councillors in Scotland (Jane Barlow/PA)

SNP runaway winners as Tories drop to third in council elections

Scottish Labour overtook the Conservatives and moved into second place.
6 May 2022
Votes continue to be counted across Scotland (Jane Barlow/PA)

Blackford: Scottish voters have sent very clear message to Boris Johnson

The Tories have suffered at the polls in the local elections, with their vote share dropping my more than 10% in multiple wards across the country.
6 May 2022